Sagar Devkota (12)

11 Planning and Storyline

We have prepared some objects and items that can be used in the game. Here we will discuss how we move forward and what could be a possible story line be. Main Story would be, some astronauts were exploring through the galaxy, they encountered some…

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9 Adding Pickups, Learning AnimationPlayer

Here we will add Pickup a coin to the game, and we will learn about AnimationPlayer. AnimationPlayer is the node which allow us to add animation to other nodes, We can animate such by modifying their properties, and providing the key frames. In the above…

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8 Adding Slime and Spike to the Game

We will add Slime, which won't interact with the player, just in the env, will move to and fro. Spike is a stationary obstracle to the player. For Slime, we just use the same functionality from the Saw, but as addition we flip the AnimatedSprite…

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7 Player Animation Adding different states

Here we will add different animations to player, simply use different frame animation based on the state of the player We start by Adding different Animations Then in the _physics_process, we show different state based on the player position and state Like if the player…

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