11 Planning and Storyline

We have prepared some objects and items that can be used in the game. Here we will discuss how we move forward and what could be a possible story line be.

Main Story would be, some astronauts were exploring through the galaxy, they encountered some problem, got crash landed in the earth. Now their goal is to get back to their home planet. For that, the player have to find their friends and gather all the missing pieces of the rocket.

How to deliver this message to the players?

We will show some series of cutscenes to the player. Planning of showing a cutscene when the player start the game.

cutscenes are the scenes which players have to watch and can not interact with.


We will use AnimationPlayer to create all those cutscenes. We will use few new concepts but most are current concept but just repetations. I will explain the new concepts through a seprate video.

You can explore yourself the code and understand.

Here are the 3 videos 

Planning the Game

Here we plan how we move forward with the game.

The Opening Cutscene

This is the initial cutscene of the game, With time we will modify it.

Talking about the Cutscene and updates

Not much information here, we just talk about the cutscene and basic overview (2 min)