8 Adding Slime and Spike to the Game
We will add Slime, which won't interact with the player, just in the env, will move to and fro.
Spike is a stationary obstracle to the player.
For Slime, we just use the same functionality from the Saw, but as addition we flip the AnimatedSprite which we have already learned on Player as well.
func move(delta):
if moving_left:
animated_sprite_2d.position.x -= SPEED * delta
if animated_sprite_2d.position.x < -1 * MAX_LEFT:
animated_sprite_2d.position.x = -1 * MAX_LEFT
moving_left = false
animated_sprite_2d.flip_h = true
animated_sprite_2d.position.x += SPEED * delta
if animated_sprite_2d.position.x > MAX_RIGHT:
animated_sprite_2d.position.x = MAX_RIGHT
moving_left = true
animated_sprite_2d.flip_h = false
For the Spike, we use the same as in Saw to detech the player and call the hit function in the player passing the direction info.
func _on_body_entered(body):
var direction = 1
if body.global_position.x < global_position.x:
direction = -1
pass # Replace with function body.